Privacy policy

Hämeenniemi holiday villas privacy policy

We process all personal information according to EU privacy policy regulations as well as Finland’s privacy protection laws.

Keeper of the register, name of the register and contact information

Contact information
Tiina Hämeenniemi
Paistjärventie 261, 19260 PAASO
Business ID: 1948199-1

Person to contact
Tiina Hämeenniemi
Contact information: Paistjärventie 261, 19260 PAASO
Phone: +358 (0) 581 9441

Purpose of processing personal information (purpose of the register)
Keeper of the register processes personal information for following reasons:

Keeper of the register does not give data access to any third parties that use the data for marketing, advertising or market research. Register keeper can send the client direct marketing in electronic form, such as email or text messages.

Contents of the register
Following data is collected and stored in the register:

Personal data will not be used for systems and registers that can do automatic decisions for the client.

Regular sources of information
Client related information can be acquired with permission from client themselves or through actions such as booking and buying, during the process. Personal data can also be collected, saved and updated with help of other registers, such as Väestörekisterikeskus.
Credit information are checked from service providers with client permission.
Customer satisfaction related data is collected through surveys with client permission.

Data transfer outside European Union or European economy
Client information can be shared for direct marketing purposes within privacy law limitations only. Data will not be shared outside EU or European economy.

Protection of the register
Only Tiina Hämeenniemi has the right to use the register.
All written data in the register is stored in a locked room, in Paistjärventie 93, Paaso. Traveller information is destroyed a year after after its expirstion. Person who handles the data is legally subject to obligation of privacy and will be punished accordingly.

Publicity of the register
Hämeenniem holiday villas privacy policy must be visible in all rentable properties, at Paistjärventie 261, Paaso address and at company’s website

Data collection
Personal data is collected during cottage booking process as well as from clients themselves, through customer surveys, data update requests, and billing process.

The right to inspect and correct

Right to check the data
The client has the roght to check which data concerning them personally has been collected.
Request to check the data must be made to the keeper of the register. The request can be withheld for legal reasons only. In the request, the client must state their name, contact information and phone number.
When contacting the register keeper the client must state clearly what service the request is related to. The request can be also made personally face to face with the keeper of the register.

Right to correct, remove and limit the data
If there are mistakes in client information, the client can make a request to Tiina Hämeenniemi to correct them. The keeper corrects, removes or adds to the data in cases of incorrect, irrelevant, inadequate or outdated data either on their own accord or by request from the client.
In cases where the client has the ability to do so, the client is responsible for correcting any outdated and incorrect information or contacting the keeper of the register immediately. If any errors are noticed by the client in their personal information, they must contact the keeper.

Right to refuse
The client has the right to prohibit the register keeper from processing any related personal information for the purpose of marketing and distance selling. The client can prohibit it by informing the register keeper in written form.

Right to make a formal complaint to the officials
The client has the right to make a formal complaint to the officials if to their knowledge the keeper of the register has not behaved according to EU regulations and/or finnish privacy laws.